Thread Topic: br0wnie
^Warm water feels like spit.
i physically cannot drink water that isn’t cold if not almost frozen. i drink room temp water and i gag
it is -3 degrees out and i know i HAVE to clean the snow off my car and probably get gas for work tomorrow, i REALLY don’t want to
we're in it for the money💪 but the laziness... laziness is my favorite.
i ended up doing it and i'm glad i did, cause i gotta be up at 5:30 lol
i just hope it doesn't snow AGAIN tonight -
ugghhh it's thuy with an accent on the u but gtq doesn't like that
i had to get new pants :/ but at least it didn't touch any of my electronics
a little droplet of pickle juice splattered into my space heater and it made this crispy frying sound
seems to be okay though
i feel like i have to get this info out because i haven't found anyone or any place to talk about this
so like... i've always had maladaptive daydreaming, ever since i was little. i have multiple separate worlds with different settings and characters with backstories in each of them, all in my own head. the characters don't often change, but they've grown with me. and when i find a new interesting topic to daydream about, i just expand on that world and start fleshing out characters immediately. i can kinda switch between one daydream world to another, and there's certain stimuli in my environment that can trigger my daydreaming -
one of these triggers is music. i even come up with "voice-claims" for the characters in my head and get a certain rush when i listen to that artist and pretend it's my character
well, what i mean to say is that i never "lose" a daydream world, even if i haven't visited it in a while. i can recall daydream worlds from when i was in elementary school even today (but i can't remember simple math equations lol).. i just keep acquiring more daydream worlds. i am a daydream sponge
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