Thread Topic: br0wnie
Longest I’ve been on hold was an hour for some tax stuff
i’m still on hold bruh and they close in 18 minutes
AWWWW you suckers
they just freaking closed actually
gonna have to try again tomorrow -
Breh they some hoes for that
oh hello, sorry I was making food
/gen /lh ^
How was it?
got done making it a few minutes ago, it tastes pretty good
i made birria tacos and i’m gonna have an ice cream sandwich for dessert
how is your night going -
I think it's okay.
Birria tacos??? Bruh share some gang
same, i got off work 4 hours ago and i’m gonna head to bed probably after eating for another day of work but at least i’m off for two days after that
any plans today? -
sorry all mine. ever since i discovered birria i get it every time i’m at the store now
I was going to okay a game, but i don't feel like it anymore, so I guess I'll just be around here until I go to sleep.
Idk why it changed to okay
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