Thread Topic: Biohazard
I can't say I've ever even set foot inside a trailer.
i have lived in this house sense i was little
I guess the correct terminogy would be a mobile home, but the one I'm in isn't that big.
I want a house one day. :3 -
Still never been in one lol
i want a bigger house someday
my family picked the smallest one -
Dragons, find a mobile home and step insiiiide
Smol house :33
Bigger houses are nice, but they are expensive ;w; -
we have so many animals now that its just all cramped -
I know the feeling.
I personally want to open/buy an animal sanctuary, buuuut
That's a long time from now -
Lol Someday I might.
I've lived in the same house all my life and I love it. -
when i get older
ima open a horse riding center :3 -
I had to move around a lot. I think this is the first place I have been in a long time where I havent moved. đŸ˜…
That sounds like fun!! OwO -
i mean the goal is to get enough money to buy a few horses
and thats after i already start having a life XD -
I've never moved. Both my parents moved a ton (My mom's move here was her 18th move) so they're like, "Nope, we're not moving. If we have to (which would really only happen if we outgrow the house), we're staying in the same city."
What kind of horses do you want to get? :3
Lucky duck! When I was 4 we moved from VA to SC, the we bounced around SC for a bit (moved every year or two), then at the end of my sophmore year we moved to NC and I moved out my senior year. I've been bouncing across VA, NC and SC for the past three years đŸ˜… -
arabians. throughbreds fresians (expensive)
i want some dutch drafts and belgeians
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