Thread Topic: Biohazard
Awh cx
I went to a high school like that
My only advice would be make high school memories. :3
And take lots of pictures! -
me: i still have the pictures from the 6th grade dance
yea that ended in a cupcake battle lol -
I feel that Viola
I had one that was all about the Cheerleaders and football so much they cut all of the creative classes funding.. -
I bet I'll make a bunch of memories here.
A cupcake battle? -
there close to cutting orchestra
i will not let that happen -
oh dragon idk how it even started
there were extra cupcakes and some boys decided that be fun
the teachers didnt even care -
I am also intrigued in this cupcake battle š²
I love orchestra!!! -
Me and my late posts š
XD its alright
We got to slime the principal at my high school
That was fun -
my principal is so tall
heh i got in trouble for hugging someone once
but hes still my favorite. and he said im the only reason theres less bullying at school yay me -
I don't even think my high school has a principal. Our high school is weird. The closest thing we have is the Director.
The principal and VP at my school were really cool.
I used to talk to the VP a lot, because he knew what was going on with my home life. The principal on the other hand was so so -
i had the same 3rd grade teacher as my brother
she always compared me to him XD -
We had a Director that was over all the schools in the county
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