My Shrine
Thread Topic: My Shrine
It is okay my child. You have realized your error, therefore you shall be forgiven.
I would like to put this in my shrine. This is a jar, to put your b00gers in. A sacrifice jar of you will.
Thank you, my lord
I'm afraid I have no b00gers at the moment -
It is okay, my Joshua. When you have them, you can put in your offerings.
I shall give you the most thiccest, baddest, moistiest b00ger, I can offer
Never underestimate yourselves, children, as you are the purest humans in this filthy planet. Only the pure will meet in the afterlife.
My communicator has malfunctioned once more. I shall get it checked. It was supposed to type on, not in after the word humans.
Thank you, Joshua.
I am afraid I must go, I shall see you all again.
Please be by my side while you're gone
The bibble has its first story almost complete
I shall end this puny planet's existence if I do not get my sacrafice.
What if we get a dog instead
You humans are lucky I like animals
The bibble story b00gersis is almost done
b00gervations is complete.
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