My Shrine
Thread Topic: My Shrine
Every day I need an offering if any of you mortals want to live on Earth. All I need is b00gers. Besides that, every Saturday we will gather for the church of Tibbles. You can post about praising me and how I've guided your life.
I take any b00gers, moist, new, crunchy, old, any b00gers will do. -
....That sounds like a Nora idea.
Who may you be, young one?
I’m Lie Ren, Of team RNJR
Oh Tibbles. Answer me this. What's the letter of the day?
Comparing me to a mortal, are you? I feel you need guidance. Is that correct?
Ah yes, Joshua. The letter of the day is T.
Now, hear are some wise words.
One day, the Earth will fall. But do not worry my little children, before that happens, I will take you away. From the burning ball of flames that will be this Earth. You will go up into [i]the[\i] afterlife. You will assist me in my duties. Our beautiful garden we will go, and wait as the new planet, with new mortals shall take its place. -
Ah, forgive me. The receiver I am communicating with has malfunctioned to do as I ask.
the afterlife -
This is one of the most important sections in the Bibble.
I can only talk for so long with you mortals. I have to leave physically, but, I'm always there spiritually.
Farewell, hopefully we will meet again. Just remember, the Great Fall could be at any time. -
No that’s gay.
I'm sorry I couldn't arrive earlier, I had godly duties to tend to.
Hello mortals. I am temporarily back.
Forgive me Tibbles for not attending Saturday Mass
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