Speak, friend, and enter.
Thread Topic: Speak, friend, and enter.
I mean, I am lbgt+ and have been for a long time, and its hardly ever brought up, pressured to be, or discussed. its actually bad to be LGBT according to most of the school, so were pressured more to be straight.
Thanks for answering!
Was just curious bc my sister in law (and I'm not trying to assume) seems to have been straight her entire life. Definitely into guys, only dated guys, was married to a guy. Then she went down this track of rejecting everything her parents believe -- became super liberal, kind of just acting out, in her rebellious phase (despite being in her late 20s). Very bitter person clearly not over her trauma and resents her parents for how they raised her. Then claims later on that she's bi.
Now I do I think she's bi? No not really. It's definitely her lashing out and trying to get a rise out of her parents. And I'm sure she thinks women are beautiful bc like women are??? But having a crush on Sabrina Carpenter doesn't make you bi. So it's just interesting to think about. What life factors lead to individuals believing they are in the lgbt community? Is it just identifying with the community itself? -
Now obviously, there are people who are attracted to others beyond traditional norms, gay, bi, or whatever. But why does it seem like there are more now, especially in our culture and country, then before? Sure you could say, more people are empowered to come out now, but would that change the stats as much as it has?
I'm just wondering how many of those in the lgbt community are only there bc it's a community where they feel accepted -
I think its having intense feelings for the same gender. like- romatical type way.
To all that I say, just be yourself. If you're attracted to the same gender, be honest about it. But if you're not, don't give in to another form of peer pressure. And certainly give yourself room to grow -- don't push yourself into a box -- bc your thoughts and opinions will change as you go through more life experiences
Oh didn't see your reply, sorry.
I'm pansexual, and pretty open about my personal changes
How old are you?
I prefer not to share that information. but 14-16
No worries. I joined gtq when I was 16, and was just thinking back on how everything I thought at 16 is so different from now. Like things change so much
I thought I could sneak by this winter season without getting sick but here I am
But I have been traveling a lot so I mean play stupid games win stupid prizes
And I'm traveling again to FL in a week and a half
My poor parents
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