Tsch297 NewbieI put the wrong word in
Tsch297 NewbieWhat happened to Cindythecat
O, I`am the king of monsters of my reign, I create nightmares and tragedy's. I pity my fellow mates. However, you're new, I`ve never seen you in my reign before.
Tsch297 NewbieGood so you don't know that I give no mercy and I always draw blood 💉
I'm the queen of pranks
Tsch297 NewbieWhy are you the queen of pranks
to: Tsch297,
You to huh? You're a true demon.
to: Charlie Philips,
Bad to hear, Keep it up! This a dark thread...I like you're images though. -
Tsch297 NewbieSo I see that you are not insane
Here is a quiz and a following poll to test if you truly belong here.
Tsch297 NewbieBecause I am
because I pull 13-24 pranks everyday
You must take it in the next ten minutes, there will be only one re-post of this link to the quiz.
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