Calling all club members!!
- Locked due to inactivity on Dec 7, '16 3:54am
Thread Topic: Calling all club members!!
fluffywaffle NoviceHi. **hugs you** **dances** Holy crap paige you post fast. You posted like 30 seconds after I hit submit!
*is hugged*hey jelly
fluffywaffle NoviceHey. Zac, are you dead?
*lays dead on couch*
fluffywaffle NoviceHey guys, do you wanna play kiss marry kill?
I'm going to do some stuff, I'll try to play too
fluffywaffle NoviceOk. Sorry someone just called me a bunch of rude names on the troll reporting thread? Shadow can you go first?
for what*starts texting
fluffywaffle NoviceFor kiss marry kill.
i guess
where is it
fluffywaffle NoviceKay. I'm reany. **snuggles up on couch**
oh ok*is snuggled*
fluffywaffle NoviceWhere is what?
Here ppl I'll start
Fluffy waffle
You go ^ kiss marry kill
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