Calling all club members!!
- Locked due to inactivity on Dec 7, '16 3:54am
Thread Topic: Calling all club members!!
fluffywaffle NoviceWhat should we do?
fluffywaffle NoviceOo let's play write a story.
fluffywaffle NovicePlease guys?
Write a story? I've never heard of that.
fluffywaffle NoviceOh. It's where you write a story and then someone rates it. The one with the highest rating wins.
Hmm, that might be interesting. Are we talking "here's a plot, write"?
fluffywaffle NoviceWell, there's two ways. If we had more people we could have a judge who gives us a topic and we write a story. Then the judge decids which one wins. But we don't have enough people so I guess we can't play. Dang. What about would you rather?
fluffywaffle NoviceDark?
Sorry, was busy typing something. I'm going to be getting off for the night, but it was very nice talking to you and the others. I'd love to give you help on some activities we could do some other time. I hope you have a nice night.
fluffywaffle NoviceHey guys. Is anyone here?
fluffywaffle NovicePlease?
fluffywaffle NoviceIs no one there?
fluffywaffle NoviceAre you ignoring me on perpose?
Sorry I just woke up.
Sometimes people just aren't on though, and you can't summon them no matter how hard you try. -
fluffywaffle NoviceOh ok. That's why I got allllooot of people to join. **hugs you** Hi!
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