almanac2kc's Profile

Joined on Sep 12, 2016
Status Level: Novice
Level-up Progress:
8-Year Club
almanac2kc's Quizzes
- my playlist 2016[published: Oct 12, 2016, 1 comment]
Certain jibberish contains lot of jibberish so this will not contain jibberish if you wish to say it is……
- level up quiz please help[published: Sep 30, 2016, 5 comments]
I'm alamnac what's up howya been hope you take this to help me level up plase Halsey Street LondonUK……
almanac2kc's Recent Posts
"I don't take very many selfies so why not"
"What's his pro name"
"Sorry that you don't like it but its my life you can ahte it all you want Hater"
"I'm watering a T-shirt and shorts"
"^^#thug life I'm wearing a blue jays hat right now"
"19 football fields"
"I'm not just the fact he's copying me"
"Which London? There's London Ontario Canada and then there's London england"
"I just fond out I had a dick is crazy"
"I'm horrible Playing ps4 too"
"Yes that little a--hole (f---er c--- b---- dick) yes I just described him"
"Yes you are"
"No offence but its just a phone So no............ Hi *hugs*"
almanac2kc's Recent Quiz Comments
"I attract yuppies"