The Coral Reef
Thread Topic: The Coral Reef
You sort of made her look like a bad person. First impressions are crucial. It's hard to believe all of that now.
Just my two cents.
It's so hard to tell who is who in Got7. -
1. That wasn't an insult.
2. My post was supposed to be out in recent so it's read.
3. Cry me a river. -
Sometimes I want to laugh at how miserable you are. That's not human decency, and my therapist would be disappointed.
Moving on.
I think I like JB.
Ro dancing...
Carla, I haven't said any bad s--- about her so take the stick out of your ass
Seriously. The MOST I've said was "I'm bitter she left, I'm looking for someone who doesn't exist" etc.
And that was all public. But you already read it all, as I'm sure she did! So congrats to you for assuming.
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