- Locked due to inactivity on Oct 31, '16 3:54am
Thread Topic: ahh
I was having a really bad day until I got to band. I didn't want anything to do with human interaction. I didn't want to participate in any lessons or do school work although I did do my work. I didn't want to talk or just breathe in general. I got to band, and we all unpack. When we're done warming up, the band director tells us to stop playing so she can take attendance. After she's done, she hands out music for the pep rally and the homecoming game. She also says that we're getting t-shirts as soon as everyone turns their band fee in. We play the music she handed us. It's easy, but it sounds fun. She talks about plans after the game, and I'm so excited. We're going to stay after school to play at the game, and we're going to stay after the game is over. The coaches are going to make food for us, and we're going to hang out and chill after that. We won't go home until maybe 8. The game is two Friday's from now. I'm so excited. We're also getting more music tomorrow for competitions and concerts.
I don't have band until 1:00. I have three classes before band back to back. ELA, social studies, then math. We go to fourth period to put our stuff down and go to lunch. We walk outside for 10/15 minutes then teachers blow a whistle telling us to go inside and get stuff for your next two periods. Mine are band then PE. After that's done, we go back to fourth period, science for me, and stay there until 3:00.
Le1F Experiencedim hungry should i get bread or bread and cheese or neither
Le1F Experiencedi think i will get bread and cheese thx
Bread and cheese because cheese. You made a wise decision.
Well, I probably missed you.
I hate it when I know I need a haircut, and someone says it out loud. I know my hair grew back. I know it's thicker and longer than the way I like it. That makes me feel really uneasy and panicky, and for you to say it loud doesn't help. I hate it so much when I can't do anything about it, and I have to wait to get it to what makes me feel comfortable and feel good about myself. -
Band usually makes me feel better,of course, I got band first period. I was mad at my mom, but band distracted me. Also, I'm picked on a lot do music is my escape place.
I'm so mad because my mom was talking about how Facebook will show you posts from this day in the past years. Pictures will pop up of me with super long hair and frilly dresses and bows when I was little. I hate it so much. She said, "You were so cute. Now you're a beautiful young lady." Young lady. I am so sick of telling her repeatedly I am not a girl. I am not a girl. Stop purposely misgendering me and "correcting" my friends when they use the correct pronouns. I know you say, "It's hard to change pronouns, and it's hard on me." You didn't say anything about me. Think about how I feel. Think about how stressed you make me feel and how many mental breakdowns you have caused. I am so sick.
Good for you.
I'm mad at my mom because she took my phone away and read all my messages on Facebook. She wouldn't give it back,I have secret s--- on there, like here.
I'll leave you alone now. Seems like you want to be alone.
Parents will always find a way to find your stuff. My mom knows about everything, and she still doesn't have a decent bone in her body to change pronouns.
I don't know if she's aware, but she's half the reason why I want die on a daily basis. People ask me what's wrong with me every day, and how do you tell someone your mom gives you so much anxiety and stress that you don't have the motivation to live half of the time.
I'm so sorry you're dealing with this. I went through the same thing, but it will get better. I promise you.
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