Just so everyone's in the loop
- Locked due to inactivity on Oct 7, '16 3:54am
Thread Topic: Just so everyone's in the loop
At what point is the breast line drawn? Is it B cups and over that are banned?
a cups still count as boobs
its all boobs that are not allowed -
We aren't up for discussion about boobs. The poll and intent of this thread is for nipples, specifically for those of male gender.
Wait. Wait. I thought this was about all nipples. Why should we even have this discussion, if it's for men? Men don't wear shirts out in public. What's so bad about a boy's nipples? You can go on Instagram and see guy's nipples everywhere.
Nope, only male ones. We were questioning this because of some recent posts where a user posted a picture of his chest to "save nipples." Additionally, there was some ascii (?) text involved. We weren't sure whether there was a need to delete that or not, but we decided to give regular users a chance to decide what we do with that.
4chan actually has rules, do you want to see them instead of not doing any f---ing research of your own?
We were also asking because we figured some users would find it unfair for us to mark breasts (whether for artwork purposes or not) and so we didn't want to oppress everyone's voices. I believe as of right now, we won't be deleting those things. The majority voted "no".
I am arguing that the idea of banning nipples in the first place is ridiculous. This isn't a f---ing muslim quiz site. If anipple is shown in a context not intended to be p---ographic, what's the problem?
And stop saying "we aren't for a discussion" because everything you guys enforce or do will have some sort of commentary involved. jesus
are we not allowed to f---ing talk about one damn rule? -
No, I'm quite fine without seeing them. And guess what? Gotoquiz has rules, too! So if you can follow 4chan's, follow ours! :D
if you wanna vouch for 4chan so much, why not leave gtq for good and go frolicking around over there?
No thanks, especially when the rules really f---ing suck ass.
It counts as nudity, whether for p--- or not, so we have to mark at least female breasts. We were only asking whether we needed to do the same for males or not.
Yes it will have commentary but my point is we aren't going to listen to your opinion on a matter that has already been set. -
If you don't like the rules, you are free to go, you know.
Go find a site that has no rules if you're so bent up about it.
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