Just so everyone's in the loop
- Locked due to inactivity on Oct 7, '16 3:54am
Thread Topic: Just so everyone's in the loop
You keep on missing the point. You're making rukes for aforum which doesn't exist. This isn't some christian preteen group. The reason we wanted mods was because people were spamming every day. Not to stop us posting ascii tits.
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credz to 4chan for reference
According to their rules, they are much, much, much more strict than this website, so I don't get the pervasive implication that 4chan is wild and lawless and "we don't want to be 4chan!!!!!!!! oh no!" -
Okay, so if 4chan can be strict, we can be strict too.
dark you're missing the point
repeatedly -
I'm confused.
Okay, Dark. I completely understand the whole 'no nudes. No nipples.' And such. However, why are drawings of it so bad? Drawings aren't p---. Drawings aren't real people.I'm not trying to make you mad, by the way. I'm just completely interested. I get that younger kids seeing it could be bad, but they don't have to click on the thread, if you warn them about it. -
I'm ignoring your point to respond to someone who just posted a very long ass post, yes
So you're implying you want to be like 4chan now even though in your recent post you didn't want this place to be like 4chan because of a lack of knowledge of the way they actually run things and you just had genuine misinformation for the website. Very enlightening to receive from you. Moderators thoroughly do their research all the time! ðŸ‘
It's still got those parts in them. It counts under nudity. I'd love to make the same argument for roleplays, but alas, I cannot. And the kids will still click on the thread to post "oh ew!" or "omg" and it's just overall unavoidable.
GTQ Guy's point is that 4chan is a site meant for 18+. Gotoquiz isn't a site meant for 18+. That means all nudity, whether real people or not, is not permitted. And your means of getting around the rule using ascii art isn't going to work, either.
And, back to Knight's point- yeah, you didn't ask for us to delete the ascii art. But we're taking the precaution of getting rid of it.
This thread is now a tl;dr thread. xD
If a nipple cannot be identified as male or female, is it left or deleted?
minors use the site. it is illegal for minors to post, see, purchase or use any type of p---ography or nudity. we don't want the site to get in legal trouble. discussion over
You deleted a link, to a screenshot, of a link, of ascii art showing a tiddy. How can you justify that?
Another question.
So, if I was to make a thread for nudity drawings and post them. Would it still get deleted, if I drew a censor box over the private and chest or color it out?
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