Opinions on you
- Locked due to inactivity on Sep 30, '16 3:54am
Thread Topic: Opinions on you
Sorry. I'm taking awhile to do this.
You are so cool. You're another one of my favorite users. You're really mature and super pretty. You don't annoy me at all either. I never really talk to you either because you scare me too. You remind me of Anri or however that username is spelled and they give me anxiety. I guess it's because you remind me of a scary teacher. Don't get the wrong idea though. I really do like you. You're really cool. I feel that you will become very successful too.
Pretty much same as Absol. I don't really have anything to say against you. I mean, you don't really talk to me anymore and that's really depressing. I see you post but not really a lot. I guess that's just me being the way I am. I'm the type that's too scared to talk to someone because they seem busy.
Rate-7 or 8 You have such pretty hair and eyes.
Ah. Jesus Christ. Where do I began? You have showed me the path to happiness during my toughest times. I was going through a lot and you had been there for me. I seriously can't thank you enough. You are probably one of the few people that saved my life. So, there. You saved my life. You're so caring and I appreciate all the talks that we had or will have in the future. I owe you everything. I didn't want to talk about everything that was happening and you made it so clear to keep pushing. I know that you probably didn't want to hear all this but thank you. Thank you so much. You mean so much to me. Plus, you soap very good and helped me get better with that too.
Bad-You never get on and I'm afraid that one day, possibly soon, you'll end up stop coming at all. It's happened a bunch to my friends and I see it happening to you. You'll forget me and leave one day. Then, you won't ever come back.
Rate-7 or 8. You are so pretty! -
Oh, dear.. I'm nothing like Anri, I promise. And I'm sorry that I don't talk to you much, because you do seem like a cool motherf---er. I'm not very good at making conversation, but I'd like to be your friend.
Thank you. :3 -
(You skipped meh :'[ )
ay b o i
Yes. We can so be friends.
You're welcome. ^-^
I can't really say much about you. However, you crack Me up. Being funny is a very decent trait to have and you do entertain me at times. You matured quick too and that's cool. You're selfies are good too. Lmao. I'm dying. I can't be very serious when you post either.
I don't know much about you to really say anything bad about you. You're username makes me think of you as a school little girl though. Lmao. I'm dying. I don't know where I was going with this but here.
I'm so slow. Xc I'm trying. -
(It's cool. Thanks x] )
meep da first~~
You are my homie. Lmao. You and 1714 are queen bees. I'm crying. You are super amazing and awesome. We are all squad goals. I've seen a couple of pictures of you too and you're so aesthetically pleasing. Just spam me with pictures of you one day and I'll drown in petals. You're so appealing too and you entertain me when we talk. I couldn't imagine being on gtq without you and 1714. You are going to go so far in life. I can really tell that. We joke about odd stuff but you are so funny. You crack me up so much.
This is tough. It's not that I'm afraid to hurt anyone's feelings, I just can't think of much. You don't do stuff that really upsets me. Plus, you have never hurt my feelings at all. However, I feel that you can be moody sometimes and that's pretty normal. I'm moody too.
Oh. Gurl. We are, like, so close. You have made me become who I am today, which I don't even know what I am today. You make me laugh real hard at the users on here and you've always stood up for me. You are so nice and aesthetically pleasing too. You're selfies are really pretty and I imagine that you will go far in life. You make me excited to actually come on gtq anymore and you're totally one of my favorite users. I probably would've been like the newbs, if it wasn't for you. So, thank you for everything.
I'm so confused at times. You can become moody like Meep and I become confused about our friendship. I can't tell if we're friends at times or not?? It's definitely confusing but whatever. That's all. You don't upset me or anything. I can't really say anything else because there's nothing else to say. -
I feel that people don't give you enough respect and that's kinda crap. You are so amazingly patient and nice to everyone. You don't harm a fly and you're such a cute dork. Like, you try to be serious and you just remind me of a bunny getting mad. I love how much character and soul you have. You excite me with all your fandom knowledge and that makes me fascinated to come talk to you. You're another one of my favorite users and I love talking to you. You do scare me like most of the users, but you're just so pleasing to talk to.
It slightly annoys me that you brush off all the hate that you get. I don't think that you should let everyone walk all over you. I know that it's your nature to be all friendly and stuff. However, I hate it. I don't like seeing people hate on you for being a mod and such. Stand up.
Where do I began? You and Heph have so much personality and sass that it gives me life. You have so much humor and delight that it seriously gives me chills. You're extremely wonderful and sweet to everyone you talk to. I probably can't express in words on how good of a person you are to people. You're helpful and I really appreciate everything you do. You're exceptionally joyful and nice. You also are one of my favorite users.
I honestly have nothing against you. I seriously don't. You're extremely nerdy but I really like that. Here. I think it's bad when you get sad. Don't get sad. You're the type of person that makes others happy, when they are around you. You get sad sometimes and everything gets gloomy. So, be strong. -
Thank you.. ;~;
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