What is up drama alert nation
- Locked due to inactivity on Sep 18, '16 3:54am
Thread Topic: What is up drama alert nation
Killer Keemstar NewbieI'm your host killer keemstar let's get rioooghttt into the noooos!
Pyrocynical NewbieIf you mean noose, you're correct.
Killer Keemstar NewbieWhat do you know? All you do is dress up as foxy.
Pyrocynical NewbieJust because he's my profile picture doesn't mean I dress up as him, do you dress up as a globe? Last time I checked you're always in that gnome suit.
Oooh, the roasting has begun.
Killer Keemstar NewbieWhat gnome suit?
And no, I do not, because that would be almost as stupid as you. -
Killer Keemstar NewbieAbsol, I do like my fans, I really do but this is an adult conversation, join of you believe it is necessary, no other means.
Pyrocynical NewbieDon't you mean to say "at no other memes"? Because that's exactly what you are.
Killer Keemstar NewbieI didn't even say the word at, stop trying to force everything down my throat. That's all you do, and it's not really useful.
Killer Memestar here, lets get roight into the memes
Killer Keemstar NewbieI believe you have confused me, that is DJ Khaled.
Pyrocynical NewbieThey know that's DJ Khaled, dumb---. It's a joke, just like you.
Killer Keemstar NewbieAgain, trying to correct me is not a very useful thing. So how about you just end it already?
LeafyIsHere NewbieWelcome people and it's Leafy here, and I was just going to take a week off from all of this s--- that's going on on YouTube and then I come back and see something mega insane!
Pyrocynical NewbieYou didn't have to come back.
Go back to the rock you live in, lizard king.
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