You want to know what a real mental hospital is like?
- Locked due to inactivity on Sep 8, '16 3:54am
Thread Topic: You want to know what a real mental hospital is like?
The nurses are kind and sensitive, but harsh and strict at the same time. There's kids with autism, kids who seem sweet but explode at the tiniest things, kids who are simply disobedient, f---ing gang members, needle-heads, drunks, kids with depression, kids who ended up there instead of jail, kids who attempted suicide, etc. etc.
The nurses order you around, watch your every single move, watch you sleep, tell you when to speak, tell you when not to speak, strip search you after every visitation, control what you read, tear your room apart after every room inspection each morning. If you're on Suicide Watch, they watch you shower, watch you use the bathroom, watch you brush your teeth, wash you do everything, and you have to wear blue paper scrubs. You can't even go outside when you're on Suicide.
And I went to a nice place. There are so many other, more aggressive, awful places. But sometimes, it's the best place to go. -
*watch, not wash
Oh thank god they thought I was mentally healthy enough to not go
I mean, it's basically like school 24/7. Except we only had four hours of classes. But you have to write in marker or crayon when you're on Precautions (Suicide, AWOL, or otherwise).
But hey, better than killing yourself.
Yeah I guess.
Infinity 1000 NewbieAWOL?
Yeah. Idrk what it means, but there was a girl in my class and the nurses told the teacher, "She's AWOL again." and she was wearing blue scrubs like me (I was on Suicide).
Infinity 1000 NewbieOh.
I wouldn't mind being stripped searched..... If the nurse that does it is HAWT!!! -
They're the same sex as you.
Because I was born female, I had a lady nurse. On top of that, she was a hot Asian. I love Asians. I was soooo embarrassed. -
Infinity 1000 NewbieXD
A lady nurse has to do it for me or else.... AWOL means "absent without official leave" -
That sounds a lot better than what I had thought a Mental hospital was.
Would you have wnated a male doctor?
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