Land of Stars and Echoes
Thread Topic: Land of Stars and Echoes
I keep forgetting I'm like
alright I'm at the point where I'm sober but Off Balance and this is my least favorite part of drinking
today has already been a really productive day
that lawn is like a f---in jungle though
I think I'm done trying to chop that s--- down for the day -
my whole body is tired lmao
and I still gotta pot those little sprouts and plant the seeds I got today
aaaand I'll probably end up doing dishes
I just wanna sleep
or work on my sewing -
gonna work on my sewing
would hate to waste this off day sleeping, no matter how tired I am -
howdy ben
Sounds like you've been really busy today!
Does it bug you when I come in here to talk? -
I definitely have
I'm really glad I have the energy to do all of these things, though
before I would have struggled to complete even a single task in a day
no, of course not
do I act like you're bothering me? -
It's really good that you have the energy
I just worry sometimes that I annoy people -
I'm really giving most of the credit to my meds here
since my newest change in my prescription, I've actually been really content with life, and super productive
well, you're not annoying me
it's been lovely hearing from you more frequently these past few days
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