5AM's Profile

Joined on Feb 25, 2017
Status Level: Advanced
Level-up Progress:
8-Year Club
5AM's Quizzes
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5AM's Recent Posts
"I want some cheerios now"
"hey spice, you're always good enough for us. you're awesome, don't forget it. we're all here for you."
"hey pag wanna talk?"
"oh god that sounds really upsetting I'm sorry dox I hope it gets fixed soon"
"is the pain not in your tooth then?"
"(quietly goes feral) (devours 28 men over the course of an hour) (promptly falls asleep in a nice patch of sunlight)"
"nostalgia can sometimes be really, really unkind"
"it was a really pretty song and of course the answer is yes but most importantly she wants to marry me and I'm so happy"
"yesterday, dollface played me a song and asked if it could be the first dance at our wedding"
"ngl I'm really happy to see people are still actively making covers of Linkin Parks older work"
5AM's Recent Quiz Comments
"I could have, but that character would be the first to die."
In response to ShadowClawVIP:
"I think most of the options weren't to my…"