Chamomile Dreams's Profile


Chamomile Dreams
Joined on Dec 9, 2016
Status Level: Advanced

Level-up Progress:
8-Year Club
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Chamomile Dreams's Quizzes

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Chamomile Dreams's Recent Posts

  • end is nigh
    "I miss you so much. I wish that mattered."
  • end is nigh
    "I know"
  • end is nigh
    "I think he's alright!!!"
  • end is nigh
    "he snoggle"
  • end is nigh
    "still not drinking water though.."
  • end is nigh
    "HE'S EATING!!!!!!"
  • end is nigh
    "why do things always have to get so much worse right when I think I've got something good going on?"
  • end is nigh
  • end is nigh
    "yeah!! I'm psyched"
  • Welcome to my garden
    "I love you because you're a good person. That's really all it takes. I hope you believe me. You're very dear to me."
  • end is nigh
    "my producer has been so patient and while I really appreciate it I hate myself so much for not being able to keep up with my commitments"
  • end is nigh
    "I feel like I'm the only one even trying to figure this out and it's weighing on my soul"
  • end is nigh
    "good morning!"
  • end is nigh
    "not me about to give in and go back to sleep"
  • end is nigh
    "I just wanted to have a nice relaxing morning and now I'm stressing about hurting his feelings rip"

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