Batman's Cave
Thread Topic: Batman's Cave
If you can these songs :3 -
Fairly well. Just living the dream. Just living the American Dream. I guess. Popcorn, cookies, netflix, and internet. XD
It's fine you can stay. This thread is for everyone, except for assfaces. I know you're not an assface, so you can stay. That is, if you want. -
Your words in my head
Knives in my heart
You build me up
And I fall apart
Cus I'm only Human
I'm only human. -
Man it feels good to be back on. I don't know why. Like something just changed. When I wasn't on for that time, I always felt sick. I would have these moments I would just break down in tears. Constantly telling myself to lose this weight. To lose everything. If I'm skinny, I'll be able to feel better. I always thought weighing more than a six year old made me ugly. Made me this unwanted person in peoples' eyes. Sad thing is, I still thing it's true. Which is pretty odd, and bad from all the hell that has happened. But I'm still fighting. Still trying to remain me. Just Jozlyn. Nothing else. Not Jozlyn the Cutter, Jozlyn the Starver, Jozlyn the Fighter. None of it. I don't want a label when or even if I make it through. I want it to be Jozlyn. Nothing else added on, because when I get through. Finally make it out of all of the suffering. I want to know it was me that did it, not someone else. It may be my body, but not my name, not me. I want it to be me. No one, or nothing else. I want it to be me that makes it through all of that. Me. No one else. Me
Dear Batman,
The one thing to always remember is be yourself. Don't put labels on yourself, because you'll make it through. I can promise you that. I know, I may be just someone saying, I promise it will get better, like I've heard a million times, but there is something about you. You can push through this because you are strong. You have people here that care for you and would do anything for you, including me. Just think, when I was down, you helped me, even if you don't realize it. I've got your back, if you ever need me.
Jinx the Lynx -
*bows to applauds*
Thank you, thank you. -
Absol: ^~^
Thank you. It really means a lot for you to say that. I'm trying to make it through. And it's difficult doing it. Just pushing through, and working toward the light. I want to make it to that light. But thanks, again. You have no idea how much it means to me.
*slowly creeps in*
JOZY!!!!!!!!! ITS A ME-A MASKY-O!!!!!!!/hugatt ackles/ I'M DATIN' KATIE!!!!
MASKEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *hugs* REALLY? -
*has been seen* O.O huh?
You left? *hugs*
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