Batman's Cave
Thread Topic: Batman's Cave
Hey. you not tryin' to kill all humanity or do you still want me to use my power?
I'll await ten years or so.
I'm not gonna do it. -
When she's like 18, and you'll be like 40 or something?
We are not gunna start the genocide. -
Good, very good.
Is just be 27 godlamb it. I'm not that old
In ten years I'll be 24.
Yeah Alex. Imma give you a hug *hugs* -
Cool. Why the lamb you say 40 something?
I didn't know how old your are. I'm in a good mood right now. My stomach stopped hurting. *Hugs*
I'm 17.7 years old.
That's good that it stopped. -
Ah, yeah it is. How dare you not accept my hug!
okay then *hugs back* Heh,
Sorry * begs for forgiveness*
Hehe. How's are you?
You didn't accept it!
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