Cody's Thread
Thread Topic: Cody's Thread
Buddy: That would be horrible!! I'd hate it. I need music, it calms me when I'm angry.
Honestly, if there was no such thing as music, I would be in a mental hospital.
Buried Alive. -
Yeah...... I'm not normal when I'm angry, so I'd probably be in jail or something. -
I'm not normal either.
Dear god. -
Even Vegeta would fear me.
Critical Acclaim. -
You must be bad if you would do that.
But since music is invented, that will NOT happen.
Hooray for music! Hip hip hooray!
Save me! -
Crimson Day!
I just got a strange phone call so I hung up. I don't talk to the unknown.
Never. Unless they offer you a bacon taco, DBZ merchandise, and tickets to an A7X concert.
But other then that, never talk to the unknown.
Yes!yes!yes! Bacon taco with shrimp for me though. And a side of brownies covered in caramel.
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