Cody's Thread
Thread Topic: Cody's Thread
Dark years, brought endless rain
Out in the cold I lost my way
But storms won't last to clear the air
For something new
The sun came out and brought you through -
James Hetfield sang that song :P you know the dude from Metallica
It's originally by A7X if you're speaking of Crimson Day. And i know who Hatfield is.
Wait I see now. Seems he did both of these though.
That one was by Waylon Jennings
That one was by Waylon Jennings originally
I think it said -
what's your favorite type of pizza
Cheese! Cheese! Cheese!
Yours? -
I want your soul!
Noises, noises, people make noises
People make noises when they're sick
Nothing to do except hold on to NOTHING -
Forgot who I was for a moment.
When boredom kills. Come back to life and stab it in the heart -
Hawaiian. XP
ht tp:// I love my teddy bear
I want to be a stuffed animal x3 -
What kind do you want to be?
Twisting turning through the never -
The Struggle Within
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