My New Thread
- Locked by Dark22978 on Oct 21, '18 6:30pmReason: Owner's request.
Thread Topic: My New Thread
This isn't fair @-@ -
Sniperlazy Newbie*plants bean* u grow now
My repliesight be slow i am busy looking at memes and anime related things -
I can't grow ;-; I am at my limit of tallness
It's fine. I have to go soon anyways -
Sniperlazy NewbieOh uhm looks around* idk
Oh well bye in advance -
Mhmm .-. I am short
Vice versa friend -
Sis is a smol potato
^^ Shorter than Panda too ;-;
Sniperlazy NewbieHow tall are u again
.-. -
Sniperlazy NewbieDas a nice height for a girl
She's an inch shorter the my gf xD
Not when my friends are taller than me xD
Sniperlazy NewbiePets
Lol me I'm six foot
Well, you are taller than Panda
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