The Boy from Nibelheim
Thread Topic: The Boy from Nibelheim
Waiting for my things to get here today so I can shower, but I probably won't shower until tonight, that way I can get the full experince. Dim lights, aroma therapy, and a nice hot shower.
I forgot where I was going with that.
My package is on the way. It should be here soon.
These accounts are about the same when it comes to level.
Let me check this.
At some point, I forgot I was existing on this site.
It's fine.
Always tried to be somebody to fit in, did it quick
And everybody looked at me like I ain't s---, got over it -
I miss clothes mountain. I used to lie on that in my closet.
I'm having trouble choosing.
I'm not enjoying playing with them.
I'm going to stop talking. Nobody even cares.
I don't know, guys. It just wasn't fun.
Maybe I should just go back to sleep. I don't know why things are just not it today.
Max is fronting, but I don't feel like changing my profile. This one can post much faster, and it's only theme with the thread.
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