From whut?
Hi Carla.
I am number four? ._. The book? -
9 minutes.
srsly? -
oops. Hi :D
-sits on thread-
Seriously what?
@Carla how are ya? -
@ teresa, I'm alright. tired.. I'm probably gonna go to sleep soon, got work tomorrow
My fone battery is low so I'm gonna get off and read my airforce manual or something.
See you tomorrow. -
@Carla ah.
Bye Hunter. -
You: Are you a Liberal?
Stranger: no
Stranger: are you?
You: No.
You: What are you then?
Stranger: alright. i'm a socialist. liberal is an insult, guy
You: I'm a socialist too...
You: I'd take Communist as an insult.
You: Not Liberal.
You: That's just be ignorance.
Stranger: better a communist than a liberal. i'd call myself a communist, but i'm to pessimistic to believe in communism. i don't even really believe that socialism is possible
Stranger: to be honest
You: Communist is less possible than socialism.
Stranger: sure
You: Communism is about as plausible as Nazisms.
You: And we know Nazism will never be a trend.
Stranger: comparing communism to nazism is a pretty liberal move
Stranger: sir
You: I'm not a Liberal.
You: Liberals kiss my ass and I get payed for it.
Stranger: communism, in theory, is beautiful. you can't compare it to nazism.
Stranger: which is awful in every way
Stranger: theory and reality
You: Nazism is better than Communism.
Stranger: you're a socialist?
Stranger: lie
You: Communism is just about the worst excuse for a theory.
You: A National Socialist.
Stranger: ha! national socialism isn't socialism.
You: Ah, yeah. It is.
You: It's one part Nationalism
You: It's one part Socialism.
You: Hence, National Socialism.
You: Yeah. I thought so.
Stranger: hitler didn't even want to use the word socialism at first. they used it due the appeal.
You: You can't prove that he didn't agree with Socialism.
You: Many of the ideals he had while in the Army where socialistic.
You: Read a book some time.
You: I could care less if he used the word.
You: I don't base my life around Hitler.
Stranger: some socialists they were. they were bankrolled by german industrialists, maintained private ownership of production, crushed socialists and communists. they really showed their allegiance to socialism
Stranger: was franco a socialist too?
Stranger: how about pinochet?
You: My ass is a Socialist.
You: Do you give a f--- about that?
You: Yeah. I thought so.
Stranger: fascism is an ideology of middle class buffoons
Stranger: like you
Stranger: where are you from, nazi man?
You: Well, Fascism actually held Italy together for Twenty years.
You: I'm from Germany. Currently in America, right now.
Stranger: why did you leave the fatherland?
Stranger: not a very good nationalist
You: For my job.
You: I left for my Job.
You: Because I'm in the Luftwaffe.
Stranger: hitler really helped germany out. led germany into a war which killed millions of germans, annihilated entire cities, etc. what a guy. a true savior
Stranger: and what a history! people can look back on that and be proud
You: Actually. Hitler fixed the German economy, and creted many jobs for unemployed Germans.
You: And, Heinrich Himmler created, bassically, Auswitz. So, you can't blame that on Hitler.
You: Also, the war started so Hitler could free German Minorities from Poland.
Stranger: let's say that he did fix the economy. he then led the country into a war that would in turn destroy everything. it's like a guy giving a person hundred dollars and then cutting his head off. the later action sort of negated all
You: Do you know why the war started in the first place?
Stranger: oh, the jews
Stranger: of course
Stranger: you're in america because you're in the luftwaffe? what?
Stranger: what are you doing?
You: Luftwaffe trains in Texas. We finished training and my folks got a place in the US. Visiting them before going back to Germany.
And No. Because Hitler had his army invade Poland to Free the German minorities that had been in Polish capture. Until Framce and England thought he was "declaring war"
Stranger: he spoke constantly in writing about gaining living space for germans. it's pretty delusional to think that he launched the second world war simply for a tiny piece of poland
You: Also, you do know Hitler offered the Jews a free ticket to a America before the war, right?
You: Only guess what the Americans did?
Stranger: oh, what a nice man
Stranger: oh, he slaughtered millions of civilians because america refused to accept them?
Stranger: so it's america's fault
You: No. HEINRICH HIMMLER and ALBERT SPEER started Auswitz.
You: So, you can't blame Hitler for that.
Stranger: why do you spoke of the fuehrer as if he was some naive, innocent buffoon? do you honestly believe that they were doing this over his head
Stranger: he had no idea
Stranger: Fuhrer ^
You: He knew. But he didn't start it.
Stranger: so hitler was a victim basically
Stranger: poor adolf
You: I can't say that. But he wasn't a killer.
Stranger: hitler wasn't a killer. the sky isn't blue. water isn't wet
You: The sky turns dark at night.Water evaporates into vapor.
Stranger: what do they think about views back home?
You: What do you mean?
Stranger: oh, what do you think about the national socialist underground? those brave men and women who went around killing hotdog vendors.
Stranger: glory to the fatherland
You: Glory to the Fatherland indeed.
You: And I can't speak for everyones actions.
Stranger: fascists really go after the big and powerful. in greece the golden dawn goes around stabbing fishermen and refugees. they really have balls.
You: I'm not a Fascist. Nope.
Stranger: you are a fascist
You: You have made me decide to fully commit myself to Nazism.
You: Listen, I'm no Mussolini.
Stranger: you called yourself a national socialist. you defend hitler. you're a fascist.
Stranger: unless this is all bulls---
Stranger: which it probably is
You: Hitler was a Nazi.
Stranger: national socialism is fascism.
You: Wow. You're ignorant aren't you?
Stranger: the guy who goes around defending adolf hitler calls other people ignorant.
Stranger: funny thing
You: From your standards, yes.
You: And Adolf Hitler is a name.
You: Capitalize it.
Stranger: you're trolling
You: nope.
You: I don't waste my time telling lies.
Stranger: say 'hello how are you' in german
Stranger: hurry
Stranger: go little adolf
You: Hallo, Wie geht es ihnen
You: Unless it's informally.
You: Which would just be "Hallo, Wie Geht's?"
You: Does that answer?
Stranger: it's amusing to see nazis, fascists, etc, portray hitler as some poor victim. he was bullied by poles and the west. he was double crossed by himmler. isn't this the mighty leader? you make him sound like a twerp
You: I didn't say he was a victim. But he sure as hell wasn't and evil man. Himmler was an evil b------. And Unsrupulous b------ indeed.
You: I hate Himmler. He's a smug son of a b----.
You: Though I love his uniform.
Stranger: the leader, hitler, was being manipulated and yanked around by subordinates. that's what your saying. you really make him sound like an idiot
You: No. I didn't say this.
You: I mean Himmler used Hitler's paranoia to put himself on top.
Stranger: so he was the puppet master
You: Yes. For a while.
Stranger: some leader
You: Until Hitler finally kind of realised what was going on.
Stranger: when he blew his head off?
You: And Then Himmler wasn't as important.
Stranger: or before that
You: No, before that.'
Stranger: oh, alright
You: Anyway, When Himmler got less important, Himmler had to find a way to get back on the top, to become Hitler's succesor.
You: Instead of Goering.
Stranger: before he knocked himself in a bunker? before the allies occupied a destroyed germany? before this, correct? alright.
You: Before all of this...
Stranger: right
You: Himmler tried pretty hard to get back on the top, which didn't work to well.
You: Considering both Goebbels and Goering hated him, practically.
You: So by Himmler creating Auswitz, it got him some major cool points with Goebbels. And Goebbels was remotely with Goering so yeah. Cool points with both
You: Goering wasn't against the jews, to clearify. He was more for the whole "Germans for the Germans" thing, whereas Goebbels was all "JEW JEW JEW KILL KILL KILL" -
Oh lookie. A late fourth of July firework. ._. You'd be surprised how many people in my town waste money just to break the law.
>:/ I can hear and smell them. Why you no show up?! >:O
I'm out in the distance setting fire to their fuses. Wishing you too would see the myriad of colours by the chemical reactions.
So it goes.
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