Thread Topic: IT MUST BE DONE
I am bored, don't mind me
What makes you so sure, hm? jk I honestly don't think I've ever seen you be rude to anyone on here.
That counts as a sad face. -
who r u talking to?
all i have seen on this forum IS FLIPPING HATRED AND VILONCE *kicks a chair, then destroys it* -
Cuz im a nice guy
Trust me, stay long enough and you'll see me get 'rude', but i'd call it aggressive or defensive
;-; oh sorry -
How can I be sure of that, though?
I don't necessarily think you would be aggressive, but maybe defensive.
Stop it, mister. -
I gave a person a cookie once .3.
Ye, defensive then
;~; okay -
um, can you stop gaining on my friend.. it would be very nice if you could leave him alone dc
he is nice, not always aggresive... so... please?! I don't want any more arguments -
who was that? i just came back from my shower
crap.. i think it was rainbowbutt... i think the same girl who made it seemed like i was leaving gtq
That person wasn't me, so I can never believe you.
I guess I'm being mean to you, so I better leave you alone. xD
Grrr. :p -
Ye or i'll eat u up like a communist bear >:3
Rawr -
fuk off kleine
lol, wats up absol... i learned a new hack :) -
its to get infinite cookies in cookie clicker
Too bad. You just ended whatever relationship we had. D:
You'll eat me up like a what? xD
I didn't even think I was doing anything or causing any harm to you, but apparently I am. xD
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