Heph's thread
- Locked by Hephaestuschild on Dec 10, '20 10:57amReason: Making New Official Thread
Thread Topic: Heph's thread
don't swear we are in a house of god
my house
I'm god -
*swears to cod, castiel, f---, and glub*
Just blame yourself, not me. ._.
Heph...:( -
I blame you
that's it
*grabs knife* -
*climbs a tree*
=w= -
*stabs floor with knife*
*floor reads "Bill belongs to Heph"*
summoning triangles how dumb do you think I am -
*jumps down from tree*
*falls over on writing and rolls around to smear it* -
*you cannot erase it it was written with Lucifer's ink blood HA*
fine then
you have it written on your floor
but he's still mine
dammit how can I argue with rock facts
you cannot
>:I you play unfair
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