heart fall's Profile

heart fall
Joined on Sep 7, 2015
Status Level: Novice
Level-up Progress:
9-Year Club
heart fall's Quizzes
- would i date you girls[published: Mar 28, 2016, 4 comments]
omg hi umm well done charli oh ah k m n o p mash letter mash laetter potatoe well you did it ha he ho hy……
heart fall's Recent Posts
"no lies"
"sooo fuking cute"
"sooo fuking cute"
"okn ill tell now btw im 15 and smoke k? you nobody"
"well acctually iphone se are better then iphone 6s so yeah b---- btw i got iphone 6s plusbtw i acctual have"
"moneyist b----es"
"answer the questions then i tell"
"i ghot the iphone e its the latest iphone *says sarcasticly*"
"1.fulll name 2.age 3.gender 4.hometown 5.any siblings 6.single or taken 7.crush 8.smokes"
"i cant say......"
"play 10 questions? 1.fulll name 2.age 3.gender 4.hometown 5.any siblings 6.single or taken"
heart fall's Recent Quiz Comments
"Your Result: Thoroughbred 92%
Made for speed and strength. You may be temperamental at times, but they don't mind. You bring in…"
1 -
"i got 90%"
1 -
"100% bby"
1 -
"90 % yes and i thought you where 14"
1 -
"im her boyfriend so piss off"
1 -
"I got 70 % baby xx"
1 -
"i got shell love you forever x"