Let's start a soap
- Locked due to inactivity on Aug 4, '16 4:14pm
Thread Topic: Let's start a soap
race got out of the car and walked to the edge. "we are not there yet."
race looked and sniffed the air. "we are being watched."
Elois heard more rustling. Anxiety did a karake chop on her spine.
"By who?"
Not_Darky NewbieHiya! I'm Not_Darky.
:3 -
race walked a bit and then calmed."I think they are gone."he says. "come on guys, we need to go to the middle of the woods. that's where the speel can be performed."
"Okay then" All of the sudden lightning bolts crash. "I'm scared!"
She wanted to call out, but her throat tightened rapidly. It came out a quiet squeak.
race stayed at the front of the small group. "we are almost there.just a bit farther."
"Race I hear something. I hear a squeak"
Vivian445 NewbieZubb held Races' arm and looked at Janice.
As her throat tightened, she realized the horrifying truth about why her speech was merely a squeak...Someone was STRANGLING her!!!
race turns and sees a dark shadow lingering in the darkness. "We are very close. I can feel it." races eyes start to change a dark orange color.
Vivian445 Newbie"Race are you okay?" Zubb asked
"Race calm the hell down!"
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