Not_Darky's Profile

Joined on Dec 20, 2010
Status Level: Junior
Level-up Progress:
14-Year Club
Not_Darky's Quizzes
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Not_Darky's Recent Posts
"You threw a rock at my head. -.- you.Threw.A.Motherfukin.ROCK AT MY HEAD!!!"
"It was Hat and me, and we were just playing around pretending to 'not be' And Vege got all angry, then Ting(carri) kinda got m"
"In peace."
"Late post No idea if she even has a"
"I know. I'm not mad at what she said to me. More about Vege and Hat. I hate when people are mean just cause thier angry. "
"I just have'nt talked to her much since then, and the one time I talked to her I wanted to cyber punch the s--- outta her. Because I'"
"No dip.xD This account made Vegekaka blow up, Hat almost commit suiside, and truten blow up and leave. *trashes account foreve"
"I am the awesome Not_Darky, destroyer of friends and relationships. Hiya Jack.xD"
"*gives death to dragon* Have fun you two. :3"
"Uh hum... And take no notice to my username, please. This account started a fight earlier. -.-"
"(Alice I'm seriously crying, dude) *runs to England*WAHHH"
"If your serious Alice... *sobs*I DID'NT MEAN IT IT WAS A JOKE... *is crying*"
"*sniffles* WAAAAA"
"I wanna move back to England, sister! These people scare me!"
"O.O AIYEE NO VEGE! (brb)"
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