Not_Darky's Profile


Joined on Dec 20, 2010
Status Level: Junior

Level-up Progress:
14-Year Club
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Not_Darky's Quizzes

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Not_Darky's Recent Posts

  • i'm hannah
    "You threw a rock at my head. -.- you.Threw.A.Motherfukin.ROCK AT MY HEAD!!!"
  • LOOK
    "It was Hat and me, and we were just playing around pretending to 'not be' And Vege got all angry, then Ting(carri) kinda got m"
  • Okay seriously
    "In peace."
  • LOOK
    "Late post No idea if she even has a"
  • LOOK
    "I know. I'm not mad at what she said to me. More about Vege and Hat. I hate when people are mean just cause thier angry. "
  • LOOK
    "I just have'nt talked to her much since then, and the one time I talked to her I wanted to cyber punch the s--- outta her. Because I'"
  • death
    "No dip.xD This account made Vegekaka blow up, Hat almost commit suiside, and truten blow up and leave. *trashes account foreve"
  • death
    "I am the awesome Not_Darky, destroyer of friends and relationships. Hiya Jack.xD"
  • death
    "*gives death to dragon* Have fun you two. :3"
  • death
    "Uh hum... And take no notice to my username, please. This account started a fight earlier. -.-"
  • Dear Darky and Hat
    "(Alice I'm seriously crying, dude) *runs to England*WAHHH"
  • Soap Opera Time!!!!!!!!
    "If your serious Alice... *sobs*I DID'NT MEAN IT IT WAS A JOKE... *is crying*"
  • Soap Opera Time!!!!!!!!
    "*sniffles* WAAAAA"
  • Come Not Darky
    "I wanna move back to England, sister! These people scare me!"
  • Soap Opera Time!!!!!!!!
    "O.O AIYEE NO VEGE! (brb)"

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