Most recent movie you have watched?
- Pinned by DarkIsTheCat on Jun 30, '20 2:19pm
Thread Topic: Most recent movie you have watched?
Borat.. not my idea.. it kinda sucked
Bad Genius
Space Jam
Logan -
Lemme think.................. High School Musical. It's the best
Singing In The Rain
Count down of my top 10 most watched.
Staring wit munger 10
9:My neighbour Totoro
8:Indiana Jones
7:Secret of the sea/Secret of Cels
6:His black materials
5:The dragon Prince
4:Call of the wild(a dog movie)
3:How to train your dragon
2:Warrior Cats
1:Harry Potter -
Oh I ment 11 not 10 on number 11:Star Wars
Jeah seems like I'm the only one here hah 😅!
Tight skin(a serbian movie(funniest comedy))!
omg love that movie
You watched it?!
OMG!Sprry for a late reply ,like I sed I'm in a deferent time zone, now here it is 10:44 PM.
How to train your dragon, and will any one who likes how to train your dragon gonna join my story writing contest in the library thread?
ya ive watched it and its okay
Ok, I know this is for the most recent movie you watched, but if someone knows @ImAStrangeGirl then please tel her I was sleeping when she asked me something, please, and apologise in my name, please?
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