- Locked due to inactivity on Aug 4, '16 4:13pm
Thread Topic: Tears
As soft wet tears
fall from the sky
splash in peace
showing no lie
Feeling blood
drip in pain
when thou alone
when thou in shame
and when i speak
when i cry
no one to hold
have to keep on by and by
so now i shiver now i wait
never to wither live without hate
keep going on
never look down
when i fall pick me off the ground
i'll soar someday
-Scar -
That was amazing,Scar!
thank you
thank you very much :)
0.0 damn....damn...damn....NIICE scar
thanks Slim thank you :)
That was really great, you're so creative.
death over 1 Newbiedas deep;)
thank you guys *hugs* :)
killer instinct Newbiepretty good
thanks killer :)
Scar you have a gift! That was a beautiful poem!!
thanks Kirsteen
you're really creative as well :)
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