Random Oneshots/Stories
Thread Topic: Random Oneshots/Stories
(i don't have a name for this one, but i based it off this goofy ass, really low budget mini tv series called my secret agent husband)
c1 is the child of a very powerful business man/woman, and they come upon a predicament. c1's father/mother wants them to get married to the child of the owner of another big company. but c1 doesn't want to get married to their child because (they're gay/they don't wanna be forced to marry someone/the other company owner's kid is an a--hole/etc.)
then comes in c2. c2 is a secret agent working on uncovering secrets about c1's parent's company. c2 was supposed to be posing as a new employee at the company, but when he runs into c1, those plans change. c1 takes c2 to their father and announces they are engaged and plan to get married.
so now c1 and c2 have to actually get married so that c1 doesn't have to marry the other business man's child, and so c2 doesn't get found out and ruin their mission. but what happens when c1 and c2 start to actually fall for each other? -
what is this feeling?
what is this feeling, so sudden and new? i felt the moment, i laid eyes on you.
my pulse is rushing- my head is reeling- yeah, well, my face is flushing-
what is this feeling?
fervid as a flame, does it have a name? yeeees!
c1 is just like any other person, but they've always believed they were a screw-up. being the product of a cheating scandal, their father always disliked them because c1 reminded him of their mother, his now deceased wife. not only because of her looks, but for these strange magical powers c1 had when they were born. c1's mother died after giving birth early to c1's younger sister, who was crippled from birth and could not walk. all the attention went to c1's sister, not that they cared. they figured they deserved to be ignored. then one day, c1's father enrolled their sister into a prestigious school and forced them to go along to care for their sister. of course, c1 knew their sister would be fine, but they went anyways.
loathing, unadulterated loathing!
for your face- your voice- your clothing!
let's just say, i loathe it all!
every little trait, however small, makes my very flesh begin to crawl,
that's when c1 met c2. c2 is a young, aspiring witch who's the child of some very rich and famous couple. c2's always gotten everything they wanted, and has always had everyone like them. c2 also enrolls in the very prestigious school in hopes to get private lessons from a mentor and teacher they admire and respect, wishing to become a powerful witch, and then be appointed the apprentice of the famous wizard of their kingdom/city who protects the land and all its citizens/inhabitants. but when c1 shows distain towards c2 and ends up getting private lessons with the mentor c2 hoped to work with, they become rather upset and confused as to why things aren't going their way.
with simple utter loathing-
There's a strange exhilaration
in such total detestation,
it's so pure! so strong!
and of course, by the worst of luck, the two of them get stuck in the same room. c1 and c2 both try to avoid each other at first, but as that ends up becoming impossible, they end up bickering and throwing insults at each other, and passive-aggressive loathing grows toward each other. but when they both end up at a secret dance one night and people start making fun of c1, c2 steps in and things change between them. they grow closer, becoming good friends as c2 helps c1 prep for when they get called to visit the wizard. but what happens when the two of them find out something is happening in the land of (insert kingdom name here)? and what happens when the realize those feelings of loathing have changed to something more romantic~?
though i do admit, it came on fast,
still i do believe, that it can last,
and i will be loathing, loathing you,
my whole life long! -
(rp plot inspired heavily by WICKED the movie/musical u^u)
jenna's prom dress u^u -
actually, maybe this one -
another idea for kathy's prom dress -
or maybe some of these?? idk which one i like best lmaoo -
or these ones- -
"you've changed-" pt. 0.5 (bc i may have to go soon)
evan x connor
TW: mention of homophobia, drinking/alcohol abuse, verbal/physical abuse, smoking, evan being high,
Connor hummed softly as he drove, tapping his thumb against the steering wheel. "God, this rain's awful-" He muttered as he flicked on his wipers, squinting a little as he tried to get a better view of the road. He had just left his school, dropping his sister back off there for theatre rehearsals. He was planning on meeting up with his boyfriend, but his plans were unfortunately delayed. He sighed softly as he slowed down by a stop sign, leaning back into his seat.
He watched as someone walked across the crosswalk, the person's movements staggering and wavering. He furrowed his brows a little as he watched him make it to the other side, only to drop to the ground. Connor gasped quietly, his mind reeling as he fought between risking going out in the pouring rain to help the person who fell, or just drive off and forget what he saw. He groaned as he put the car in park, climbing out and moving over to the person on the sidewalk. "H-Hey, are- are you okay?" He called out as he walked over, crouching down. He waited for a response but got none, reaching down and turning him over onto his back. He gasped, recognizing who the person was. "Evan?! Holy s---, Ev- what happened to you?!" He exclaimed as he sat Evan up, the younger man blinking back at him.
(will most likely continue this tomorrow or sometime next week-) -
"you've changed-" pt. 1 (bc i may have to go soon)
evan x connor
TW: mention of homophobia, drinking/alcohol abuse, verbal/physical abuse, smoking, evan being high, other things i will add eventually-
Connor hummed softly as he drove, tapping his thumb against the steering wheel. "God, this rain's awful-" He muttered as he flicked on his wipers, squinting a little as he tried to get a better view of the road. He had just left his school, dropping his sister back off there for theatre rehearsals. He was planning on meeting up with his boyfriend, but his plans were unfortunately delayed. He sighed softly as he slowed down by a stop sign, leaning back into his seat.
He watched as someone walked across the crosswalk, the person's movements staggering and wavering. He furrowed his brows a little as he watched him make it to the other side, only to drop to the ground. Connor gasped quietly, his mind reeling as he fought between risking going out in the pouring rain to help the person who fell, or just drive off and forget what he saw. He groaned as he put the car in park, climbing out and moving over to the person on the sidewalk. "H-Hey, are- are you okay?" He called out as he walked over, crouching down. He waited for a response but got none, reaching down and turning him over onto his back. He gasped, recognizing who the person was. "Evan?! Holy s---, Ev- what happened to you?!" He exclaimed as he sat Evan up, the younger man blinking back at him.
"Heeey, baby~" Evan spoke, his words slurred as he smiled at Connor. His eyes were hazed over, his hands grabbing at his boyfriend's arms. "Where've you been~?"
"I told you, I-I was dropping off my sister at school for rehearsals," Connor spoke as he tried to keep Evan from rising to his feet, holding him close before wiping rain that rolled down his forehead. "Evan, are- are you high?"
"I already said hi, goofus~" Evan said with a giggle as he leaned his whole body weight onto Connor, hugging onto him.
"Oh my God, you're high- how- when did you-" Connor muttered, a confused and worried look on his face. "Dear Lord, what have you done to yourself-" He sighed, holding a hand up to shield his eyes from the rain pouring down on them. "C'mon, I'm taking you back to my place so you can- can sleep this off."
"Yippee! Sleepover time~" Evan said with a laugh as Connor stood, pulling the brunette to his feet. "And sexy time, too~?"
"No- no sexy time, no," Connor said with an awkward chuckle, shaking his head as he led Evan over to his car. He got him into the passenger seat and buckled him up, quickly moving to the drivers side and hopping in the car. "You need to sleep this off before we do anything together, dude-" He sighed softly and buckled up, starting his car again. He never thought he'd be on this end of a situation like this: he always figured Evan would find him stumbling around town high off his ass, not the other way around.
"But I want sexy tiiiime~" Evan whined as he reached over, grabbing onto Connor's arm.
"Maybe- maybe another time," Connor spoke, awkwardly patting Evan's hand with his free one. "But first, can- can you tell me what happened? How did you get- get like this?" He asked nervously as he started driving, glancing over at Evan for a moment.
"I don't really-" Evan paused, giggling quietly as he leaned back in his seat. "Oh yeah, I was with- some friends, and they had a vape, and they let me borrow it because- because they said I was stressed, I think-"
"Stressed? What do you mean you were stressed?" Connor asked as he moved his other hand to the wheel, keeping his gaze on the road as he tried to peer through the rain.
Evan snorted, rolling his eyes as he turned in his seat a little. "Like you wouldn't know-" He spoke, shooting a glare at Connor.
"I don't, actually, hun-" Connor replied, glancing over at Evan. "Why are you stressed, is- is it because of school stuff or your parents?"
"Of course it is- it always f---ing is," Evan muttered as he rolled his eyes, hugging his legs to his chest. He exhaled quietly, resting his head on his chin. "I'm so sick and tired of it- of the constant nagging, all the stress to be perfect. I'm so over it-"
"Well, you sure picked one hell of a way to cope with the stress, babe," Conn spoke with an awkward chuckle, slowing to a stop at a red light. Evan looked over and glared at him, making him stop laughing and look forward at the road.
"At this point, I don't care," Evan murmured as he sat up a little, rubbing his face with his hands. "I need some escape, even- even if it's only temporary..."
(i think i'm gonna post these in smaller separate posts, it's kinda hard to write this one all in one go, ngl-) -
RP IDEA, tho not a proper plot yet:
i really wanna do a story based off my current fav webtoon, suitor armor- something abt a magical fairy who was forced to hide their identity their entire life because humans and faes were enemies. the fairy is the lady/lord-in-waiting for the daughter/son of a king, who took them in when their fae parents died in an ambush by humans. and they're best friends with the child of the king. the prince/princess is going to get married and they are living their happy content life when they meets a mage who makes a magical warrior for smth, but to do that they had to kill animals and an elf/fairy and he really regrets it despite the fact that the two kinds are enemies. and there's a knight and his squire who become friends with them along the way (and they're gay as f--- for each other >:)) and they also befriend the mage and a fairy who had tried to sneak into the castle, and that's as far as i've gotten bc i don't wanna copy the webtoon exactly, but that's kinda the gist lmaoo -
reminds me of evan and connor <333 -
faceclaim -
faceclaim for my new oc, kori jane :)
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