Genius Things!
Thread Topic: Genius Things!
If you want something really chocolate-y.
Hershey's kisses.
Hershey's chocolate syrup.
Chocolate milk.
Ingredients to make brownies (completely mixed, otherwise that'd taste bad)
And if you want to add a little extra, maybe some marshmallows. -
Take some peanut butter and get it realy cream buy heating it up and mixing with milk. Then add to pancake batter and top with chocolate syrup. Tastes like a reeses peanutbutter cup
Mustard on tacos.
Bacon and Ice cream.
Haha never had it but supposedly it's really good -
Mustard with fried clams. Mmmm.
Mayo and cheese (like the tiny pieces of it and a bag mozzarella.) It's a hood chicken sauce but not on all chicken.
Butter on broccoli.
Maple syrup on pasta.
Mustard on fries.
Ketchup on waffles.
Beef jerky on cereal (ew I know)
Turkey and apple sandwich.
Sriacha and nuggets. -
Cutting up tiny pieces (or cubes) of cheese and putting it on a ham sandwich.
You will need:
- Hamburger buns
- A couple slices of ham
- Cheese cubes (or slices if there are no cubes available)
- Salami
- A butter knife
Take the two hamburger buns, flip them so that the inside of the bun (or usually the side that touches the things inside of the sandwich), and then take one slice of ham at a time, rip the ham into pieces and put pieces of ham on each bun. Then take two slices of salami and place them on top of the ham. Then take two or three cheese cube/slices, cut them up into small pieces with the butter knife and spread them out on top of the salami and ham. Then close the sandwich and enjoy. ^^ -
Dip Regular Potato chips in milk.
Its heaven. -
Putting gravy on pizza
Amazing -
Maple Syrup and every breakfast food except toast.
Gummy bears or gummy worms in chocolate.
Hot sauce on salami.
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