Feedback and Updates
We love hearing from our users! Please share with us your thoughts and let us know if you encounter any errors. We want GoToQuiz to be your ultimate quiz destination! This board will also be used for updates and site news.
- Magie Magic
- 4 posts
- 8 years ago
Magie Magic
- 1714
- 19 posts
- 8 years ago
- RelevantNerdist
- 4 posts
- 8 years ago
- Serge
- 18 posts
- 8 years ago
- Can someone give me the current list of mods?(and I mean someone I know to be a Mod. Like Dark or Brownie.)The Coldest Sun
- Magie Magic
- 41 posts
- 8 years ago
- aadee
- 4 posts
- 8 years ago
- If you ask meWe should cut back on a bunch of forums.RelevantNerdist
- Magie Magic
- 6 posts
- 8 years ago
- Can you unlock this please?And can you leave it unlockedBr0wnieBunny
- FluffyEtini
- 14 posts
- 8 years ago
- mod posted somewhat sexual contentmake me a mod now >:[1714
- RelevantNerdist
- 12 posts
- 8 years ago
Werewolf 3
- Werewolf 3
- 2 posts
- 8 years ago
- The Geek
- 6 posts
- 8 years ago
- 1714
- 33 posts
- 8 years ago
- okayso since I'm a moderator1714
- 1714
- 8 posts
- 8 years ago
- DreamOfNight
- 5 posts
- 8 years ago
- Can someone delete the moonfag posts from my thread please?They are kinda annoying.absol heart
- Moonflower786
- 9 posts
- 8 years ago
- Hey.Mind unlocking my thing for me?absol heart
- absol heart
- 3 posts
- 8 years ago
- Jeeshan
- 4 posts
- 8 years ago
- Moonflower786
- 20 posts
- 8 years ago
The Dude
- Moonflower786
- 21 posts
- 8 years ago
- I'm the official god of GotoquizAnd I'd like to tell you all why this place is falling apart.Magie Magic
- GTQ God
- 7 posts
- 8 years ago