Um help?
- Locked due to inactivity on Dec 30, '16 3:54am
Thread Topic: Um help?
So I have this Zagg Bluetooth keyboard that I hook up to my iPod just so I can type faster and not have to peck out each individual letter. And so far, it's been great. Except today it started randomly freaking out and only typing in all caps. I have had to disconnect it, turn Bluetooth off, turn Bluetooth back on, then reconnect it so many times it's driving me insane. And I just charged it on Saturday so it's not low on battery. Is it just broken, or can I do something else? YouTube is no help.
From the way you have described it, to me, it sounds like it is broken. But I am no tech operative, someone else might be able to help you with that question.
I would be more willing to accept that if it weren't for the fact that I've had it for over a year, and it's never been a problem, and then just all of a sudden it starts acting up when I didn't sit on it or drop it or anything life that. But thanks...I guess...
You might need to dust out the keyboard, my keyboard did the same thing except it always ttyyppeedd lliikkee tthhiiss
*anything like that
Well it's working okay now, but thanks for the suggestion anyway. If it freaks out again, I'll try that. -
Tbh your better off typing normally
Tbh I can't stand typing on a tiny, scrunched up keyboard that I mistype half the letters because my fingers are so fat. I have a typing speed of about 75 wpm, so it is worth it ^~^
You could change the batteries or get a new one
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