I'm a DBZ addict!!
- Locked due to inactivity on Aug 4, '16 4:13pm
Thread Topic: I'm a DBZ addict!!
I keep watching the show over and over and I drew Vegeta and Goku on my motherfuking binder for crying out loud! AHG!
LoL that's exactly how I am with Hetalia seriously.
Lol, it can be kinda fun being addicted.... Me: ... KAMEHAMEHAAAaaaa... Friend: o.o Me: Hey, I ish an addict Friend: Err... a/n, Heheh Hetalia helps you with your country knowledge
xD I know right, when I'm in history and they talk about "international relations" I get excited LOL
@Hikky LOL @Ana LOL, Whenever I get asked what the Japanese word for rice is, I start screaming,"GOHAN!! IT'S GOHAN!!!"
LOL nice see anime addictions can be used in productive ways :D
Yeah! :D And it can also make people stare at you D:
LoL that's true, people always wonder why I talk about countries in some very strange ways
People wonder why I try to use Big Bang on other people...
lol I met a girl in theater arts that's heard of Hetalia, and she likes other animes too. That made my Friday :)
Nice Ana :D Jonathan, Jorge, Raul, and Mary are my Saiyan friends for Halloween, heheheh
LoL sweet I'm going as Italy, and making a white flag that says PASTA~! on it :D
I gtg see ya laterz!
LOL! Carri would love that :D I'm being Goku and Jonathan is going as Vegeta (LOL) Mary is going as Fasha, Jorge as Trunks, and Raul as Gohan. WE'RE GOING TO KICK SOME ARSE xD
Bye Ana
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