I'm going to betch slap you Mexico. :I
- Locked due to inactivity on Aug 4, '16 4:21pm
Thread Topic: I'm going to betch slap you Mexico. :I
Then the Britishness would just facepalm and say, "....maybe....."
Me gustan los tortugas. :'D
Fern: Buenisimo.. /blushes awkwardly
^^; You really are sweet sometimes.
I think so. D; Damn... -
Then France would come out of nowhere just to say, 'Hon hon hon!'.
Yo tambien. :D
Alfie: *softly caresses cheek* Hehe. ^^
Really? ^^ Aw, thanks. You are too..
Our vital regions, our poor vital regions. D8 -
Then we'd probably all run away. :o
^.^ Jeje~
Fern: *blushes at the touch and smiles a bit* Ejeje..
You think so? ;w; Gracias..
I know right?! D: They're all used now.. -
Yeah, and then France would cry because he's all alone again. :o
^J^ kolkolkol- wait no. :O
Alfie: *smiles, leans in a bit*
Just speaking the truth. ^^;
Like used cars. D: -
Aww, then I'd actually feel sorry for him. D: Then I'd probably force Mexico to go hug him.
:O Russia! Run away!
Fern: *leans in as well, a little shyly*
I was too, then. :3
Yeah, 'cept used cars are probably in better condition.. -
Same. D: And then Fern would probably get raped. x'D
D: *hides under couch cushions*
Alfie: *leans in more and kisses him*Finally. xD
Yay~ ^w^
Das true. D': /goes to emo corner -
Aww, then Ferny would have Francis babies.. x'D
*hides in a weed tunnel, shot for being racist* x'D
Fern: *kisses him back, softly*I know right.. x3
.3. Ole, ole~
D: *drags you out of there* -
Aw, little Mexican and French babies. :'D
*giggles and slaps self for giggling* xD *shoots shooter*
Alfie: *deepens and wraps arm around him softly*Hurrhurr
Ay ay ay ay? :3
:o Thank yous~ -
Those would be kinda adorable, I'm going to admit.. xD
*unslaps you and giggles* Thank you~
Fern: *moans a little softly into the kiss, trying not to giggle*Herpderp?
Canta y no llores~ x)
Welcome, amiga. .3. -
They would. xD *cuddles them*
No prob and thank you as well. :D
Alfie: *smiles and giggles lightly as well* Your mustache tickles~.Herpaderpadingdong. :3
^^ *le dances with sombrero on* -
Italy: Should we interrupt..?
No. They already instantly forgot we weren't here so why bother?
Italy: Because we're doing so anyway...
Whatever. They only care about you anyway. Until those two are trying to have babies. Then they don't care about you at all. :I
Italy: ;~; ...I..guess you're right... *sniff* *sob* -
Fern: N-No, l-little brother.. *runs over to him and hug him* I-I..
D: Italia. -
Italy: Why must you continue going back to him..? All he ever does is hurt you anyway... ;3;
Fern: I.... I don't know.. I'm just an idiot. Lo siento.. I am so sorry. ;~; I never learn and I just end up hurting you instead..
Italy: I'm hurting because you're constantly letting yourself be hurt...I don't like seeing you or Romano hurt. You're my big brothers, you're supposed to be strong for me... ;~;
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