DBZ is the worst anime ever.
- Locked due to inactivity on Aug 4, '16 4:15pm
Thread Topic: DBZ is the worst anime ever.
...Lies? D:
I thought you loved DBZ D: And GokuxVegeta... you even got me to start liking it.. -
v.v I'm ashamed of ever liking any of it. That's why I'm ranting.
:O Don't be ashamed of DBZ! That's like me being ashamed of my liking for Germany. It just doesn't fit, ja? You're an epic DBZ fangirl Dx Agh... It would be very hard to accept your hate for it.
Still. D:<
Of course you hating Germany wouldn't fit.
Of course me hating DBZ or Goku OR Vegeta wouldn't fit either.
But there's something seriously wrong with GokuxVegeta. DX -
...It's hot though.
There's something wrong with GermanyxPrussia too but I frickin love it ._.
If you're serious and really do hate it, I guess Ill have to accept that. But I just don't want you to hate it because you feel like nobody else loves it or anything like that. -
I know it's hot. V.V
I like GermanyxPrussia too. :p
There's a whole communtity of people who love what I love.. But it's been 11 years since I've started watching DBZ o.o
I still like it... but I have to be rough with myself so I can move on. v.v -
:'O I dunt want you to move on Dx
But if you have to... I'll allow it. -
If you guys don't want me to move on then I'll try not too. Dx It's not absolutely necessary but.. v.v
It's my mental state that wants me to do this.. -
Don't change unless you seriously want to, I've been into Hetalia a long time now and sometimes I wonder why I still am, but it makes me happy, so in the words of Sheryl Crow, "It can't be that bad".
Heck, I've gotten crap about liking USxUK before on dA because of you Alfie being a kid at one point, but I defend the reasons why I do like it and move on. I even battled with myself if liking Spain meant I was liking a pedo character, but in the end it's all about how you as a fan see your fandom and how to enjoy it.
Basically all that writing was pointing out just be yourself and have fun! -
Ana's pretty right :P
Vege,you were the one who got me interested in DBZ. You were the one who showed everyone GokuxVegeta yaoi. You were the biggest DBZ fangirl EVER
v.v Ana is right. I don't know why I've even thought about this..
Hell, I've been emailed by about five VegetaxBulma fans who complained over my GokuxVeggie ness.
Adn each time I emailed them back with my rant, I guess I owned them. v.v
And B is right too.. I was the only fan other than Hikky. I was the only one who was in GokuxVegeta yaoi, and I got a lot of you all in it, too..
I was the biggest fangirl before I started to fall apart..
Well I'll try to reamin who I am. I don't see point in changing myself anymore. v.v
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