First Kisses come in Seventh Grade 21 | Comments
Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz First Kisses come in Seventh Grade 21.
i honestly do not know. I like green apple too, but also the strawberry. not the cherry, cuz i dont like cherry flavor. the actual FRUIT cherry is awesome, but...
OFF TOPIC!! lolz. part 22! oh and mystery emo girl, take mine as well :) please. they're called, {Reality Check:A Simple yet Complicated Love Story 1-4} part 5 is comin'!
(sorry i advertized, love ya too ;})
Omg, thought you were going to tell me my quiz stories sucked and you dislike them or whatever xDD so glad, thanks a lot!! Why would your mom do that?! YOU WERE EATING GRAPE XD (I like green apple! :) like that matters xD)
I have to say this is my fave, and i know there will be many to come, hehe happy your doing these fast nxt time i will be the first to comment :)
angelic41 -
Okay,i'm a critic.And i have some things to say about these quizzez..........(S tern Face)They ARE-..........the best i've ever read!You should give yourself a pat on the back.You have puncuatiuon,a good plot line,and you get to kick some a*s at the same time!
lol!! guess what? ok so i was (WAS) eating a blopop, but my mom snatched it and threw it in the trash. That's candy abuse!
anyways, my tongue is purple.
ok. what i meant was.. PART 22!! pwease. -
I love your quizzes! Can't wait for the next part!
haha thnx angelic4 and ok xD and haha yea puffball Erin's maximum megatron, she's gonna have a reputation for guts ;)
cant wait for part 22
sundaisy1 -
great quiz. soz I'm taking them a little late.
Bluebird1 -
:D i love this one! go 54packers! how do you get this many done so fastly? lol PART 22!!
:D thnx for the support guys!
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