sundaisy's Profile


Joined on Sep 9, 2011
Status Level: Junior

Level-up Progress:
13-Year Club
100 Quiz
1K Quiz
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sundaisy's Quizzes

  • Love is forever part 4
    [published: Feb 06, 2012, 12 comments]

    I know part 4 is really late and I'm sorry. I will try to get the next parts out faster. I really hope……

  • Love is forever part 3
    [published: Dec 12, 2011, 19 comments]

    Hello peoples :) thank you to everybody that comment on part 2 it always makes me smile knowing people……

  • Love is forever part 2
    [published: Nov 16, 2011, 15 comments]

    Hello everybody thanks for all the nice comments on part 1. I hope you all like part 2. I tried to make……

  • Love is forever part 1
    [published: Nov 09, 2011, 24 comments]

    This is my first quiz it's a love story for GIRLS ONLY I have nothing else to say I don't think anybody……

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