Faith Formation Assessment

This is a quiz of the some (but not all) of the basic aspects of our Catholic Faith. This test does not affect a grade in class, but to see what we should talk about! Please take it seriously.

For the quiz, you are not allowed to look at other websites, books, a bible, or ask a parent , friend, or stranger. Please take it seriously. Cheating is a waste of time and we'd rather you not take it.

Created by: Andrew

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  1. Which is the correct statement about Scripture?
  2. In the story of the Good Samaritan, why is the Samaritan called "good"?
  3. In the Bible passage, Psalms 4:1-5, what does Psalms stand for
  4. In the Bible passage Psalms 4:1, what does 1 stand for
  5. What sign did God give Noah as a sign of love?
  6. Who led the Israelites out of Egypt?
  7. Who did God promise that his descendents would be as numerous as the stars?
  8. What is the Ascension?
  9. Because Mary was the mother of Jesus, what can we also call her?
  10. Which name below is not one of Jesus' twelve apostles?
  11. Which part of the Bible includes stories of the apostles?
  12. In which sacrament is the person sealed with the gift of the Holy Spirit?
  13. Which liturgical season comes after Advent?
  14. Who helped Mary take care of Jesus when he was growing up?
  15. Why does the priest wash feet on Holy Thursday?
  16. Which is a good question to ask yourself during an examination of conscience?
  17. During which part of Mass do we listen to scripture?
  18. During which part of the Mass do we pray the Our Father?
  19. What is the tabernacle?
  20. What word is give to the Table of the Lord
  21. In the story of Pentecost, what is the Holy Spirit represented as?
  22. How long should one fast from food before receiving Communion?
  23. Which of the Ten Commandments speak about our relationship with God?
  24. Which is not one of the Ten Commandments?
  25. What do we call our inner ability to choose between good and bad?
  26. Which of the following words below is not one of the Gifts of the Holy Spirit?
  27. What action would show that we have the gift of courage?
  28. Which is not true in the story about the Loaves and fishes?
  29. What do we call a pull toward something we know is sinful?
  30. In the story of the Temptation of Christ, who was tempting him?
  31. In the story of the Prodigal Son, who forgave whom?
  32. What are we called to do every time we celebrate the Eucharist?
  33. What does it mean to be a peacemaker?
  34. Why did God give Moses the Ten Commandments?
  35. What part of the Bible can we read to learn how to live like Jesus?
  36. What is one reason why we should pray?
  37. What prayer begins with: "Make me a channel of your peace...?"
  38. What prayer begins: "I believe in God the Father almighty?"
  39. When we pray prayers of contrition, what does "contrition" mean?
  40. When we pray prayers of petition, what does "petition" mean?
  41. What are prayers before and after meals known as?
  42. With whom should we pray?
  43. Why should the Bible be treated respectfully at all times?
  44. How do Bible stories demonstrate God's love?
  45. What prayer retells the major events in Jesus' life?
  46. Which prayer is important to all Christians, not just to Catholic Christians?

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