Dose he realy LOVE you? (girls only) | Comments

Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz Dose he realy LOVE you? (girls only).

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  • I got no.

    It might or might not be accurate, but one of my crushes friends came up to me and said the my crush fancies me, and my crush was right next to him, smiling, looking away, blushing and nodding. I also said "It's almost the end of 9th grade, and in my next class i will be surrounded by strangers" and he said to me "it's ok, if you get the same grades as me, you will be in the same classes as me again" i preteneded i didn't hear, and said "What?" (i knew what he had said, just faking) and he looked at me, blushed and said "Nothing... Nothing important" lol! I said i was leaving, for a joke (my friend told me to do that), he thought i was telling the truth and then my crush was sad... I might ask him out.

  • This quiz was dumb. what does a guy going to your house have to do with him liking you? And really? asking you to marry him? That is ridiculous!

  • Me too such a shame


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