Dose he realy LOVE you? (girls only)

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Do you realy want to know? Well your about to find out! He may love you or he may not! This quiz will tell you! Dose he love you? Dose he realy Love you?

Sorry if some of the quetions are wierd. Its just hard to think of things. He is probibly strange, too.

Created by: Mosspool
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Dose he turn away when you meet his eyes? (If he dose then he probobly blushed!)
  2. What is his name? Dose he like it when you say it? (I just picked random!)
  3. You talk to another boy, your crush is watching you, he...
  4. How dose he talk to you?
  5. Has he ever said, "Your hot."?
  6. Has he asked you out?
  7. If you hung out and had a chat, Where would you do it?
  8. Has he ever gone to your house?
  9. Has he come to school and kissed you?
  10. Has he asked, "will you marry me?"

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