don't leave me alone part 1

Hey guyz! this is my first quiz series called don't leave me alone. okay so here are the boys, Chase: flippy black hair, blue eyes. Jake: flippy brown hair, brown eyes. Luke: dirty blonde hair, hazel eyes.

And also im kinda new at this but i know how it works. pshh yeah i took alot of stories if i didn't i'll be so freakin lost right now! xD i really hope you guyz enjoy my series! bye!

Created by: MoonLight23

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. you hear the alarm clock. you groan and get up, you took a shower, brushed your teeth and got dress. you ate some breakfast and walked outside your door. as you we're walking to school you see your two friends, Allison and Chase. you walked up to them, "hey," you say waving. "hi _______," Allison and Chase both say. you look at your watch and see that its 7:54AM. "uh guys we need to get going school starts in 6 minutes." you tell them.
  2. "sh**!" Chase blurted out, "hey watch your language!" Allison joked. "guys! quit stalling! if we're late the princible will give us detention!" you explain. "okay, okay." they both say. as all of you walked to school you looked at your watch, "7:58!" you shout, you all started running and made it! "phew we made it." Chase said relieved. you guys walked to class and sat down. "the teachers late so we're safe." Allison said. "yeah." you say. the teacher came in. "good morning class." the teacher said walking in.
  3. "good morning Mrs Martin." the class says. (yeah i got that from a tv show xD) "we got a new student today." the teacher explains. a boy with flippy brown hair, and brown eyes walked in. "here's Jake." the teacher says. Jake rolled his eyes and sat down where ever he wanted to. the teacher was teaching ya know boring stuff. "hi." you whisper to Jake. He just ignores you until he notices something about you.
  4. "excuse me? can i go to the bathroom?" Jake asks. "yes let me pick someone to show you where it is." teacher says. "hmmm _______ go with Jake please." teacher says. "yes mam." you said getting up. Jake stood up, you two exited the classroom. you showed Jake where the bathroom was, "well here it it," you said to him. "i lied i didn't have to go. i just need to tell you." Jake says looking at you straight in the eyes.
  5. "what?" you asked. "well come here..," Jake says going into a room. "i'm here, what do you wanna tell me?" you ask again. "okay, well-" Jake was about to explain until the school bell rung, "you can tell me later," you said walking back to the classroom. it was lunch time, you Chase and Allison, walked inside the cafateria (i don't know how to spell that) all of you got your trays got some food and walked to a table.
  6. "um guys?" you ask Chase and Allison, "yeah?" they both say. "you know the new kid, Jake?" you ask, "yeahhh.." Allison says. "what about him?" Chase asks, "well when i was showing where the bathroom was, he-" you said but couldn't finish because Jake came over and sat with you guys, "hey Jake how's it going?" you ask in a weird way. "uh okay i guess," Jake said looking awkward. "______ uh what are you doing? your making him feel 'weird'," Allison whispers to you. "i know i just have the urge to know what he wants to tell me," you whisper back, "what?" Allison asks quietly. "hey ladies whatcha talking about?" Chase interupts.
  7. "OH MY GOD CHASE!" Allison shouts and gets up, "see what you did?" you said getting up. "but bu-??" Chase says confused, "hey don't worry dude girls are complicated," Jake said patting Chase on the shoulder and leaving. "Allison?" you ask her, "what?" she said turning around with a grin on her face, "hey we're you tricking them?" you ask her. "yeah!" Allison says laughing. "ha! but you know you made Chase kinda confused," you say, "yeah but he's stupid anyways," Allison said. "yeah i gotta agree with you o that." you said, "hey i'm gonna go check on Chase and Jake, you coming?" you ask her, "nah go ahead." she said. you walk to the lunchroom and see Chase still confused and Jake gone.
  8. "hey where's Jake?" you ask Chase, "i-i don't know.." Chase says. "oh well cya later." you said getting up. it was study hall (incase you don't know what that it is its like a break) right when you we're gonna get a book out of your locker, someone grabbed you, next thing you know your in a closet. "wtf?!" you said to yourself. "hey _______," Luke says. "what do you want?" you ask him. "oh nothing," Luke says, "seriously? then why did you bring me in here?" you ask.
  9. "maybe because your hot," Luke winks, you roll your eyes, "well i'm gonna go now i need to find Chase and Allison." you said opening the door and walking out, you see Allison but no sight of Chase. "hey have you seen Chase?" you ask Allison, "no he's probably outside or something." she says. you go outside, and all over the school but still no sight of him. as you we're walking pass the lunchroom, you see Chase still sitting down. you walk inside there, "Chase?" you ask, "yeah?" Chase says. "what are still doing in here?" you ask him again.
  10. Chase sighs, "its nothing.." he says getting up. "he looks upset," you thought to yourself. "but what could've made him upset?" you ask yourself. you follow Chase and he goes to a dark ally, "where is he going?!" you thought. Chase sat down, you hear footsteps coming from behind you.
  11. a hand covered your mouth, you bit the hand and ran off. "______!!!!!!!" a familiar voice calls. "huh?" you stopped and turned around it was...Luke! "Luke?!" you said. "yeah? Luke asks. "what are you doing putting your hands on my mouth?!?!" you ask. "idk i was just gonna take you somewhere.." he says. you then notice that Chase was looking and listening to both of you. "Chase really tell her." Luke says. "why should i? she'll be freaked out!" Chase shouts.
  12. "no she won't." Luke says. "fine, ______ me, Jake, and Luke are-
  13. sorry cliffhanger. so who do you like?

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