Does Your Crush Like You Back?

How do you know if your *male* crush likes you? Find out with this quiz The rest of this paragraph means nothing so don't bother reading it you won't learn anything!

Should you make your move or just be friends! This quiz knows all and tells all yay! Alls well ends well if you know what I mean! The rest of this paragraph means nothing so stop reading it.

Created by: Da-Sophsters
  1. Do you notice him looking at you alot? When you look at him does he look away?
  2. Do you talk to him often?
  3. Does he act kind of strange around you? Maybe showing off or blushing?
  4. Does he try and turn your attention back to him when you talk to other guys?
  5. Has there been rumors of his love for you?
  6. This is the last IMPORTANT question so listen carefully. Do YOU or YOUR FRIENDS think he has a thing for you?
  7. The rest of the Q's on this quiz are nonsense, will you answer or ignore?
  9. (\_/) (o.0) (u u)# What animal is that?
  10. I broke your ignore button! NOW YOU ARE FORCED TO ANSWER! What should my next quiz be about???

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Quiz topic: Does my Crush Like You Back?