Which inhabitant of Aether are you? (Metroid)
If you've played Metroid Prime 2: Echoes, then you must know what Aether is. And if you have, then you must also know what the answers are. If not, just go through it and answer as you please. You may enjoy going through it unbiased more than knowing what you'll probably get anyhow.
All that can be said about this Quiz has been said in Paragraph One. Don't bother reading this section, since it's just a waste of space until I've filled this space adequately...Not that you're going to look away, though. Reverse psychology is being unintentionally employed here, meaning that despite my request for you to simply take the quiz and stop wasting your life watching me waste mine with Paragraph Two, you're going to keep reading until the end...Which is now, since I've obviously filled the requirement. Congrats, you've lost at least 20 seconds of your life, possibly more, if you're a slow reader. Just take the Quiz; that's what you came for here anyway.
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